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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

Korean - American Day 

2017 1. 13  

PHILADELPHIA Today is Korean-American Day in Philadelphia.


That’s a designation created by the city’s first Korean-American councilman. He raised the Korean flag at a ceremony this morning.


“This is an important day because it commemorates a group of Americans first arriving to our shores,” said Councilman David Oh.


This is the third year that Councilman Oh has celebrated the anniversary of the first Koreans to arrive in America in 1903. There were 103 of them. Now there are 1.7 million living in the United States, 80,000 of them in Philadelphia.


“It reminds us of what America has stood for throughout the world a land of freedom, democracy and opportunity,” said Mr.David Oh.


Mr.David Oh  also noted the benefits the city has reaped from the Korean community, which has been a force both commercially and culturally.




필라델피아 시의원, 데이빗 오

Happy Korean American Day to you all! We shot this video because I just wanted to let everyone 

know that January 13 is the official Korean American Day! 

Happy Korean American Day. !!


제 4차 미주한인의날을 축하합니다 경축합니다. 또한 미주총연 작년 마지막 공식행사였던 미주한인의날 기념식 및 한미우호증진 포럼이 더욱더 발전될수 있는 기회가 주어지기를 소망해 보며 작년 행사 사진 몇장 나눕니다 ...


영상으로 보세요!!!













김한나 기자 churchus24@gmail.com

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